Inside the most recent issue…

Iranian Flat Glass Industry

In the Middle East, Iranian float glass production is the largest. Construction and automotive demand kept the country adding capacity in the last decade. Yogender Singh Malik provides an overview of the Iranian flat glass industry…

Fibreglass market: demand and supply in Asia

With demand growing strongly, especially from new uses like wind turbines, fibreglass is becoming a critical raw material in consumer products, fighter jets, and assault rifles, says Rohan Gunasekera….

ASEAN beverage market packaging

The ASEAN 10-nation bloc still prefers glass beverage packaging, despite strong competition from non-glass alternatives, notes Jahir Ahmed….

Soda Ash: Rising Demand

Soda ash continues to be in high demand as the glass industry expands, especially for electric vehicle batteries, writes Rohan Gunasekera….

Tech Focus: Glass in space applications

The glass in space sector is rapidly growing, yet only few companies and institutions have perfected the technology, says Rohan Gunasekera….

Also in this issue…

In focus

Gottfried Brunbauer, CEO of LiSEC Group, spoke exclusively with Asian Glass about the company, market trends, sustainability, and what makes his company different….

In Perspective

Investing in the supply chain will benefit everyone, but if other countries do not play by the same rules, they will have a price advantage, writes Andy Skillen, special correspondence, Asian Glass…

Refractory Zone

News and developments from the refractory supply industry.

Plus: news, views, analysis and much, much more!

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